The United Church of Christ has welcomed refugees to the United States and accompanied displaced people around the world for longer than the UCC has existed as a denomination. Extravagant welcome remains one of the UCC's Core Values - "I was a refugee…and you welcomed me" is a mandate from sacred scripture in which we hear Jesus say, "As you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." (Matthew 25)
The world currently experiences the largest number of displaced people in recorded history – 65 million people and expanding. 21 million of these are registered formally as refugees - Globally, one in 113 people is displaced - Among these are refugees and displaced people from Syria as a direct result of unspeakable violence.
During the month of December, when the Church relives the Advent journey of preparing to welcome Christ, who was a refugee himself, this initiative lifts up Syrian refugees - It emboldens efforts to be an extravagant welcome by accompanying displaced people near their homeland and those who seek to resettle in the United States.
UCC Youth lead this initiative with their bold public voice for Refugee Accompaniment expressed through video submissions. Congregations join the bold public voice by engaging with scripture and with the situation of Syrian refugees in both the Middle East and in the United States. Get active in your own community through advocacy, compassion and personal welcome.
Why Now?
Where is God - Razek Syriani
On Justice and Peace - Mary Mikhael
Our chance to see God
Why Now?
"Being welcomed in the USA as a refugee leads to more welcoming"
UCC Youth Speak – Esther Ngemba (Congolese youth now in USA)
Ames Interfaith Refugee Alliance (AIRA) Concept Document
Mission Moment September 18, 2016
UCC in Ames, IA leads their community in the journey toward hosting refugees
Get Active!
Deepen Partnerships in the Middle East
Global Ministries Middle East and Europe
The Syria Crisis and Our Churches' Response
The Middle East Initiative
Give Financially
Organize a Campaign
Refugee Emergency Fund
Get Active!
Advocate locally and nationally as welcoming communities
"Standing in solidarity with Muslim neighbors leads to more welcoming"
UCC Youth Speak – Texas Youth Group
And Host Welcome Dinners and Events - Refugees Are Welcome Movement for Awareness Raising and Advocacy Toolkit and Reporting
Welcome refugee families as they resettle
Contact your closest resettlement office to offer direct assistance in resettling a family; to offer assistance in providing cultural and integration support; to offer assistance from afar
Multiply Your Bold Public Voice - Stay Connected
UCC Refugee Accompaniment Newsletter
Refugees Are Welcome Interfaith Movement
Global Ministries Weekly Updates
Respond to Refugee Emergencies Worldwide
Fleeing war and remembering home
Jade Siriani lived in Aleppo, Syria, most of his life, until the war and violence there became too much for his family to bear. Now a first-year college student living in Norwood, MA, Jade shares the story of life in Aleppo, the pain of displacement and leaving, and his memories of home. Millions of Syrians have been displaced and have become refugees as a result of the war, making Syria a tragic humanitarian crisis.
Jade is a member of the Syriac Orthodox Church, one of the oldest churches in the world, and attended the National Youth Event this past summer, where this video was recorded.
Connecticut Churches Welcome Hundred Of Refugees, Part 1 Of 2
Connecticut Churches Welcome Hundred Of Refugees, Part 2
Renewed Pennsylvania Congregation renovates parsonage to welcome refugees
Syrian Refugee Crisis Update
California church wants to welcome, take in refugees
Church leaders urge U.S. not to close borders to Syrian refugees
UCC calls for more U.S. response to Syrian refugee crisis
Refugee Crisis - What You Can Do
UCC Clergy speak out in support, step up to welcome Syrian refugees
Syrian Refugee Crisis Surrounds the Middle East
UCC officers call on U.S. to assist Syrian refugees
Our Stillspeaking Voice is a monthly issues-oriented multimedia initiative, created to amplify the bold public voice of the United Church of Christ. Part of General and Minister and President John C. Dorhauer’s first 90-day initiatives, Our Stillspeaking Voice is the product of all the UCC’s national ministries–– the Office of the General Minister and President, Justice and Witness Ministries, Local Church Ministries and Wider Church Ministries –– in partnership with several UCC conferences, around a dozen issues that are part of the church’s DNA.
Previous UCC "Our Stillspeaking Voice" intitiatives.
God's Love Knows No Borders Site | Story
Our Faith Our Vote Site | Story
White Privilege: Let's Talk—A Resource for Transformational Dialogue Site | Story
Building Bridges: Linking our Muslim and Christian Communities Site | Story
Faith Beyond Bars Site | Story
Work to End Gun Violence Site | Story
Keep it in the Ground Site | Story
Focus on Israel/Palestine Site | Story
Spotlight (on sexual abuse in churches) Story
Why I Protest Video | Story